The New York Clock

The New York Clock

2022. Possibilitas Hising Backa. Here is my contribution with my guest Ebba Westerberg, percussion.

The New York Clock is a cutting-edge 24 hour silent film documentary of New York City. Played on a loop, the constant motion in the city that never sleeps is a cinematic city symphony. A project 10 years in the making, filmmakers Americk Lewis and Nicholas Sosin flew in 7 international artists, many from Paris. They spent over 10 months filming this art piece in 2015 capturing NYC in its 4 different seasons in 5 distinct boroughs. It never loses its vintage and almost timeless feel. In total, 1440 clips were selected by the directors and stitched together from a thousand unique perspectives and angles to make 24 hours, all synchronized to the time of day.
24 hours, 24 pianist, 24th of September.